A MSL 2D (PDF417) bar code is a way of encoding the MSL in-the-clear text data, selected elements of the Transportation Control and Movement Document (TCMD) data, including the respective TCMD trailer data for the labeled shipment unit, and selected supply line item information. The Unique Item Identifier (UII) shall be included in the 2D bar code for unit moves only when an item has been assigned a UII.
All shipment unit data and line item data in the MSL 2D (PDF417) bar code replicates data from the three sources noted below:
Source 1: Header TCMD data. The unit move transportation tracking number (TTN) is included with this source category.
Source 2: Supply documentation (DD Form 1348-1A) bar code data or contract data that includes item unique identification code (IUID) information, as applicable, for each supply line item packaged within the shipment unit.
Source 3: Shipment information entered in-the-clear on the MSL.
Note that the MSL 2D bar code is limited to only 1000 characters of information.